Prince William Sound


Adult $189 / Child $94.50 + Fees
7.5 hours
9:00 a.m.
6/1/2025 – 8/31/2025
Adult $169 / Child $84.50 + Fees
6 hours
10:30 a.m.
5/17/2025 – 9/15/2025

Why choose us

A day spent on the water with Stan Stephens Glacier & Wildlife Cruises is a complete Alaska experience! The Stephens family and crew will navigate through Prince William Sound with sights of magnificent glacial ice at Columbia Glacier, glacial calving at Meares Glacier, and wildlife like orcas, humpback whales, Steller sea lions, seals, puffins, bald eagles, kittiwakes, cormorants, porpoise, goats and bears along the way.

In addition to the amazing wildlife and glaciers, we will share information about the history of Prince William Sound and Valdez, including commercial fishing, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System terminal, oil shipping, the area’s early explorers, and copper and gold mining.